If you want to know who you are, look within and ask: Where is the
self beyond thought? Is there a me that is not created by thought? No
matter what conceptual answer you place upon the question, the answer
will be just another thought. Even without direct experience, common
sense tells you that you are not a thought or set of thoughts.
the time-bound, thought-based self would want to get rid of itself.
This is not about destroying ego. It is a seeing. See that who you
take yourself to be is determined by thoughts of past. Who you want to
become is determined by thoughts of future. Even the thoughts that
interpret what is happening now are often an avoidance of what is. When
you resist what is happening right now through interpretation, thought
is chasing some future mental ideal or an image learned in the past
about how life is supposed to look and be different than the way it
really is.
What is right here, right now and merely
awake? This that is awake has no agenda to change what is. That which
is looking is not a thought (or even an emotion). It simply looks. It
simply is. No thought is needed to know it directly. This is what you
really are. Thoughts merely arise in this that is awake.
Uit: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment by Scott Kiloby.